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About Us

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SpringWorks’ programming spans the seasons.


We provide a safe place for local, regional, national and international artists to showcase their works and an opportunity for audiences to experience new and diverse work in their own community.


This is a place for independent creation, a springboard for new work, nurturing and supporting artistic endeavours and art forms often more easily accessed in larger urban centres.


A Bit of the Back Story


Stratford, Ontario, Canada

  • A mecca for classical theatre 

  • A town with wonderful restaurants, with superb cuisine, and great shopping

  • A community nestled in beautiful environs

  • A place with a plethora of things to to be explored 

  • A magical, synergetic, alchemical home for the arts


In 2011,  

at the invitation of the Stratford Tourism Association, 

with an awareness of the ebb and flow of the arts lovers' presence, 

Hermione Presents, 

a collective of professional artists and creators, 

with decades of performing and producing experience, 

combined our gifts and strengths,

to share new, diverse, independently created work, 

in this town. 

SpringWorks: indie theatre & arts, a multidisciplinary arts festival, was born.

A decade of evolution has brought us to a series of events and festivals exploring creative expression, spanning the seasons. 


Our intent is to enable meeting places for rural & urban voices from far & near to tell their stories. 

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Our Team

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Katy Mitukiewicz

Katy is an independent Quickbooks Consulting Professional assisting businesses across South Western Ontario with bookkeeping services and business development.

Katy’s primary objective is to see her clients achieve their financial goals and scale their businesses.

KeepUp Bookkeeping

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Eileen Smith

Artistic Producer

Founder, Executive Director,
opera singer, actor, musical theatre performer, singing coach with more than 35 years experience, including working with Shaw, Stratford, Charlottetown festivals, Canadian Opera Company and others.

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Micaela Fitzsimmons


  • Curator

  • Visual Artist

Curator at the Stratford Perth Museum since 2009, Micaela Fitzsimmons has a background in design, visual arts and museum management from Sheridan College, the University of Waterloo and Fleming College. She has served on a number of volunteer boards including Perth Arts Connect and the Nancy Campbell Collegiate Institute.

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Taylor Jordan

Board Member 

  • Community Artist

  • Maker

Taylor is passionate about the arts and supporting artists of all disciplines. She is a seasoned Community theater actress and maker of soaps, candles, jewelry and pottery. Taylor loves to network to help bring the community closer together.

Michael Fullerton Board Member IT Management SpringWorks

Michael Fullerton

Board Member

  • Manages IT  

  • Software and hardware maintenance and purchasing

IT consultant,
hospitality industry expert and

retired chef and baker, restaurants include Rundles in Stratford

Stephen Degenstein SpringWorks Technical Director

Stephen Degenstein

SWF Technical Director 

  • Venue & Site Planning & Management

  • Stagecraft training

More than 30 years working in theatres across Canada designing staging, props, costumes, lighting and sound, and teacher of backstage theatre arts at Fanshawe, Sheridan and Off the Wall Theatre Alliance. He also provides stage and technical support, site set-up and coordination for many arts organizations in Stratford.

Christina Gordon SpringWorks Festival Associate Stratford

Christina Gordon

SWF Associate

  • SWF Programming & Site Management

  • Bookkeeping & Daily A/R

  • MC extraordinaire 

Singer, Dancer, Choreographer, Teacher, Performing  Artist with 30+ years experience on stages across Canada


Phoenix Jordan Burns

Board Member

  • Actor

  • Puppeteer

  • Educator

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Heather Davies

Board Member

  • Director

  • Producer

  • Writer

Heather has been a theatre maker, writer, producer, and artistic director at the Ryga Arts Festival in Summerland BC, 2017 to 2022. Having lived and worked in the UK, she has called Stratford, ON home for over ten years. In 2021, she move to the U.A.E. to develop the first MFA in Theatre in the MENA region as Programme Leader post-graduate studies at Sharjah Performing Arts Academy (SPAA). She is thrilled to contribute to SpringWorks as a board member.


Breanne Tice

Marketing Intern

  • Actor, singer, creator, educator, entrepreneur

Recent graduate of Ryerson’s BFA Acting program. Trained with Canadian theatre companies including Soulpepper Theatre, Stratford Festival and Young People’s Theatre.


Sarah Hagarty

Associate Producer

  • Actor

  • Singer

  • Writer

  • Producer

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Hermione Presents

Interdisciplinary Arts Productions Inc.

  • Registered Charity

  • Not for Profit 

  • Arts Organization

is mandated to support

arts education and 

arts festivals and events.

HP is the charitable arm that sustains  
SpringWorks: indie theatre & arts festivals

including PuppetWorks!

World in a Weekend : International Puppet Festival

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 Registered Charity   #80376 7656 RR0001

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is the registered charitable arts organization that supports SpringWorks and our arts presentation and educational programming

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mailling address:
217  Wellington St, Stratford, ON
Canada, N5A 2L7

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

festival sites throughout Stratford & environs

"We wish to honour the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat, and the Neutral Nation who are the traditional custodians of the land upon which we stand and the waters that flow through it. It is our privilege to share this land, which has been the site of imagination since the beginning of human experience.  


Hermione Presents ~ SpringWorks is located on land governed by both the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant of 1701 and the Huron Tract Treaty of 1827. We are mindful of broken covenants and the need for us to respectfully listen, to learn from our mutual history and to strive continuously for reconciliation at all levels. 


The responsibility to nurture this land and protect the future falls to us all and in so doing, we actively honour the wisdom of those who came before us."

Copywright © SpringWorks Festival 2025

Web Design by Jake Runeckles

Thank you to our supporters!

theatre sponsored by Gallery Stratford
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canada council for the arts logo
Stratford Ontario Dramatically Different logo
SpringWorks sponsored by Stratford Perth Museum
Stratford Animation Fund
Stratford Perth Community Foundation logo
sponsored by the Stratford Festival
Theatre sponsored by Avon Maitland District School Board

EDPER Investments ltd

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